Wednesday, August 10

Dump Here

There must be a big invisible sign on my back that says HEY EVERYBODY PLEASE PLEASE PICK ME! And not in the good way. Not in the "here, I choose you to win the lottery" kind of way. 
This is my week:

-My brother and his family moved into my parents, where I am currently living, 3 days early. This means I had to move my stuff out of my room 3 days before I was expecting to.

-My boss quit at work, and being higher up on the food chain, I am trying my best to soften the load for all of us. I.E. tons more work and responsibility on my shoulders. It doesn't help that it's the back to school sale and the store is CRAZY busy. Also the other assistant manager is out of town this week, and with school back and going for me: I can only work minimal hours. 

-I signed up about 2 months ago for a HUGE test (it is a $140 dollar test: it isn't just my grade on the line) I had to reschedule once due to the fact I had to move out of my apartment unexpectedly. This test just happens to fall on this week. Friday to be exact.

-And what just made me think I am flirting with DISASTER: I just got asked to speak on Sunday. 

To put this all into perspective:

Tomorrow: Work all day, then my class is having a BBQ that I helped plan. I scheduled this about a month ago so that everyone would be sure be able to make it. About half of the people canceled or said that they will have to A) come late, or B) leave early. The friend of mine is already a nervous party planner, so this is great. (I just got a text message saying that the person in charge of buns will not be making it! Lovely.) So I am in charge now of the fixings for the burgers, chips, I was going to make a salad, and now I need to grab buns too. Yep.
Then after that get-together, and between I need to try and study.

Friday: I have the test. The one that everyone says is so easy I don't need to study, but just because they say that I'm sure I will be the one to flunk. It's huge, and to tell you truth, I have no idea how to attack it. I hope all my prep so far will be enough. (if all else fails it's only $140 dollars right?!?)
Then I have a blind date. It's his first date after his mission. Usually, those don't go that great for me. So far I'm getting the awkward vibe... pray for me.

Saturday: I have clinical, nice and early at the bright hour of 7:30. That lasts all day, and then I was planning on moving all my junk into my apartment. Hoping that I would be able to organize it enough to sleep there that night.
Then it is the last day to see one of my favorite plays: Aida. 

So it was all controllable... until this talk. When the crap am I going to fit that in?
I do something horrible when I am feeling the pressure. I EAT. Let's just hope I haven't gained 35 pounds by the end of the week!
It'll all work out. I hope! Just cross your fingers that nothing else gets thrown at me.  

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