Sunday, May 29

I guess I was really hungry...

I must have like razor sharp teeth, or something because this past week I've had this major problem in my mouth. It's like I don't know how to chew after 21 years of eating. Last weekend I bit right into my lip and caused a HUGE canker sore. And though your mouth is supposed to be one of the fastest healing parts of your body, since it became swollen I kept on biting the same spot! After being super careful every time I ate, it finally healed.

(I bet this guy gets pretty bad cankers from those sharp babies too!)

THEN, yesterday morning I noticed the side of my tongue really hurt when I ate. I thought it might be a sore spot from eating too much salt or like when you eat too much pineapple. But when I checked it out in the mirror it is another HUGE CANKER! On the side of my tongue no less. Meaning every time I talk, or swallow, or chew it hurts. Basically I'm just retarded.


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