Thursday, May 19

FINE! If you won't post, then I WILL!

As I checked blogger now about ten-billion times, to see if anyone else has updated their blog, and no luck, I then remembered that I can post.

So today as I was headed to institute, the lovely lady behind me decided that she didn't want me to get into her lane, and decided to flip me off when I did!
Such a lovely gesture.

What I don't understand, is that the said driver saw that I had my blinker on to get over, and then didn't make the needed room for me, so once I did merge it was all my fault. What did she expect me to do? Slow down and cut in behind her, when there were cars behind me? Where is the common courtesy? Is it really that big of a deal to slow down to let a car in?  

Some people's kids! (I love that saying!)

PS- my shoes came. YAY!

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