Sunday, March 4

Proud PROUD moment. That little black car is mine. 

As a dear friend commented, "Two years at the hospital has taught us much. Parallel parking is probably the most useful. :)"

That's right. My two year sentence at the hospital will be up this week!! (we can all now break out into singing praises, and have a huge celebratory party: which is why I am treating myself to a cruise in May!) 

Anyhow, I just had to take a picture of my parking job due to many a conversation about some people's lack of skills and some of our AMAZING skills. (ok, ok I'm done bragging.) .... but in case you couldn't tell: there is probably about 7 inches between me and the car behind me, and then about a foot between my car and the one in front. (yes I made sure the car behind me had PLENTY of room to get out: it had like 4 feet between it and the car behind)

My mom says I get it from my dad: so THANK YOU DAD: for sharing your birthday with me, for passing on your red hair, and for the inherent parallel parking skills.  

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